Recent content by briancobb110

  1. briancobb110

    Prison of the Deep South - pt. 2

    Bet you most of these fools enjoy being a jail bitch.
  2. briancobb110

    Pennsylvania Man Confesses To Killing Four

    I hope this motherfucker is raped hourly in prison.
  3. briancobb110

    Mother Arrested On Murder Charges After Son's Death

    Execution is too good for this bitch.
  4. briancobb110

    Man accused of shooting police officer was on probation

    This is insane, he should be kept in a cage for life.
  5. briancobb110

    13-year-old charged with grandfather's murder

    Most likely spawned from a rat turd.
  6. briancobb110

    Woman Charged With Murder, Allegedly Made Boyfriend Drink Bleach

    I hope somebody kills her in prison!
  7. briancobb110

    Two brothers shot on Detroit's east side

    Just another typical night in the city that never stops shooting and killing.
  8. briancobb110

    Baltimore police officer shoots, kills 18-year-old

    officer, you are indeed a problem solver.
  9. briancobb110

    Woman caught on video throwing scalding coffee in cop's face

    I feel sorry for your parents for having such a fucking loser daughter. And now they have to hear just how big a fucking loser you are from their friends and neighbors.
  10. briancobb110

    9-year-olds robbed at lemonade stand in Lutz

    Someone must have proud parents...
  11. briancobb110

    Teen arrested for Snapchat threat

    Seriously, what kind of fucking idiot does this shit....and why?
  12. briancobb110

    Man Charged In North Minneapolis Grandmother's Shooting Death

    What an embarrassment of humanity.
  13. briancobb110

    Suspect in Orlando officer's death will act as own lawyer

    Somebody just shoot this asshole.
  14. briancobb110

    "INAUGURATION DAY" Lip Reading

    Hahaha, video is fucking priceless.
  15. briancobb110

    Former police officer sentenced for sexually assaulting 14-year-old

    My blood boils when I watch something like this. Scum.