Recent content by angorb15

  1. angorb15

    Carjacked SUV crashes into car in Midtown Atlanta

    The officers should have opened fire on the driver so he could not have the opportunity to injure somebody.
  2. angorb15

    Kids help in arrest of burglars

    Way to go big brother.
  3. angorb15

    Sentencing day for father who killed 4 month old son

    Another lowlife off the streets forever, you will die in there.
  4. angorb15

    Ailing Cop Gets Gift

    This is so nice and sweet. Everyone needs to see this.
  5. angorb15

    Should celebrities stay out of politics?

    Actors don't have a clue about the reality of most Americans.
  6. angorb15

    What’s causing the violence in Chicago?

    Chicago is falling apart in the same fashion of Detroit...and by the same kind of thugs that destroyed Detroit.
  7. angorb15

    Teen apologizes to lemonade stand owner

    Moms and dads, please get your children and get your shit together before it's just too late for them.
  8. angorb15

    Facebook attackers charged with hate crime

    Sick, sick world we are living in...
  9. angorb15

    Dylann Roof tells jury - there is nothing wrong with me

    This sick individual wanted to kill people and create terror.
  10. angorb15

    Did Obama let down Chicago?

    He should of been focusing on the black on black crime, but it doesn't get his juices flowing.
  11. angorb15

    Officers Come To The Rescue

    Thank God for officers like them.
  12. angorb15

    President Obama lacks maturity

    Obama will not be missed, I think we can all agree on that.
  13. angorb15

    Nightclub shooting in Istanbul

    The religion of peace strikes again...
  14. angorb15

    Fallen Heroes 2016

    My heart goes out to all those officers, their families and friends.