When a robber enters your home..


Well-Known Member
I'm still not clear about whether you can shoot and kill him and get off or be put in jail for murder?
I've heard it happen both ways.
It probably differs by state I'm guessing because I heard of a guy on someone's roof that fell through the class sunroof and broke his leg and sued and won. His intent was to rob the house.
It probably depends from state to state, but I believe general self defend laws allow you to use the same weapons as the criminal does. If you're endangered with a certain amount of force, you can use the same amount or similar amount against him, but with a limit. You can only do as much as needed to make it safe for you. That means, enough to control/disarm him and perhaps immobilize him.
It really depends on the laws where you live. When a robber enters your home he gives up any rights he may have by trespassing. It is a horrible feeling when your house has been invaded. Some people say it is not a violent crime but in many ways your house has been invaded and your privacy has been invaded. Most of the laws I have read say that householders will be given protection under the law for fighting back against burglars unless they use "grossly disproportionate" force.This means you subdue the robber then kill him that would be considered murder. Laws are going to vary state to state though I imagine.
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Wyoming all have some variation of the "Castle Doctrine", which means that they do NOT have the obligation to flee rather than defend themselves in case of an intruder. In those states, you may shoot someone if they break in and mean to cause you bodily harm. In other states, you are to flee rather than defend yourself.
Seeing that you are from India,i can tell you it is not what it is as in other countries.If a robber enters a house and you kill him to protect your property,you would be the one going to jail.
THE HRC(Human rights commission) prohibits killing in self defense,i don't know abt immobilizing that person,but they surely are out of their senses.
Honestly i too will stress that,it depends on where you live.
Seeing that you are from India,i can tell you it is not what it is as in other countries.If a robber enters a house and you kill him to protect your property,you would be the one going to jail.
THE HRC(Human rights commission) prohibits killing in self defense,i don't know abt immobilizing that person,but they surely are out of their senses.
Honestly i too will stress that,it depends on where you live.

Im abroad right now but I live in NY and was born in Elmhurst . My dad was robbed a couple times when he worked for a beverage distribution warehouse. Our house was also burglarized once.

LMAO in India I'll just bust them up with a "dundee" and make up a story about how they attacked me . Bala in India everything is corrupt so no worries. Anybody can be bought.
I actually asked at another forum what posters would do if they caught someone in their house..95%+ said shoot to kill.
I then posted that I would shoot the legs, and most said shoot to KILL.
Shooting to kill is a two ways thing for me. If I shoot a criminal to death, he surely won't come back to take revenge, but his family and friends can. If I don't, he'll probably get revenge whenever he leaves jail. It's just better to avoid doing any of both.

Either way, in most countries it depends on the weapon he has and danger it poses, as I mentioned before. :)
Some states require that you find safe refuge in your on home and only use deadly force if no other options are available. States with Castle Law does not require any retreat or non lethal force. SHOOT TO KILL ask no questions, they don't belong there.
I think it depends on the circumstance, if the robber is at you place and threatening you I think it's clear that we can shoot him, but if he has no weapon I doubt that we can do it. In conscience if the robber has no weapon why would we do it?
I personally think that you should absolutely have the right to defend yourself, lethally if necessary, if someone were to break in. But I don't know what I would. I wouldn't flee; I would definitely stand my ground, but if at any point I felt like my life or that of my children was in danger, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot.
It really depends on the situation and what the person has as proof of defending theirselves and that it was a brake in. For example, if they found that the door had been picked or windows were broken then they could possibly see it was a brake in. But if the person is clever and a door is unlock, that eliminates that.
I'm still not clear about whether you can shoot and kill him and get off or be put in jail for murder?
I've heard it happen both ways.

Castle Doctrine is a protected right in most states but the laws on it vary. I suggest you check out this link: Castle doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia However, if a home intruder does illegally enter your home and you cannot flee to safety - I'd recommend shooting to kill. If they are dead, they cannot claim you yelled "come on in" and then shot them. Your work against the word of a dead man - you get the picture here. However if you can flee safely, you should always do that. Killing someone and living with the fact you killed someone, no matter if they are bad or not, is going to haunt you and your thoughts. If you can avoid it, avoid it!
You really have to look up your laws according to your state. I think in California you can only shoot the robber if they were to break into your house and if they are armed. I think in Texas you would have more then enough rights to shoot them if the robber was on your property or your neighbors property. There was a case years ago with Joe Horn who shot two robbers trying to break into his neighbors house.
There was this one time a guy ran into a garage and tried to still stuff but it closed on him so he wouldn't escape. couple days later without food or water the owner came out and saw the robber and I guess let him out but the robber sued the guy for trapping him and won.
I think it depends on where you live too. It is a shame that a robber can get away with robbing you if you attack them. They will have the nerve to try and sue you after they break in your house.
I'd say that it depends on what state you're currently living in. If a robber were to enter my house and harm my family, I wouldn't think twice about killing him, but I wouldn't know the consequences. I would not tolerate someone trying to hurt my family, no no no!
This stuff is very State depended. I'd look it up properly if I were you. You can never be too sure. There are States that allow you to instantly shoot the robber but others have different laws. You'll just have to look it up or else let people know which State you're from.